The Milk Tasting 🐄🥛 in 4th grade was a hit! Our conversations about selective breading, butterfat content, the food supply chain, and diverse careers in agriculture was topped off with a sampling of different fat contents in milk! We had a mixed review of the best kind of milk, but some of our favorite jobs included veterinarians, who help keep the cows healthy, animal nutritionists, who help create diets for cows to produce the most/ best milk, and food stylists, who help make sure the dairy products look 'good enough to eat' for advertisements!🧀🍦

1st grade has been talking about adjectives. We got to eat grapes and starbursts and then describe them!

5th graders created shields while learning about Don Quixote, a fictional story of a man who believed he was a knight. In this unit, students were tasked with developing a persuasive essay to convince their readers of their opinion. Just like Don Quixote, these students are ready to defend their ideas with courage and creativity!

1st grade enjoyed celebrating 100th day of school with building with 100 cups, 100 cubes, painting 100 dots, and eating a 100 day snack!

1st grade enjoyed celebrating 100th day of school with building with 100 cups, 100 cubes, painting 100 dots, and eating a 100 day snack!

1st grade enjoyed celebrating 100th day of school with building with 100 cups, 100 cubes, painting 100 dots, and eating a 100 day snack!

Kindergarten celebrated their 100th day of school by making crowns, doing a coloring page, and counting to 100 for the very first time. We also got to do a "100 licks" challenge where we got tootsie pops and had to figure out if our lollipop would last for 100 licks!

4th grade has been learning about different aspects of dairy farming, production and distribution. Today we got the chance to make mozzarella cheese!

4th grade has been learning about different aspects of dairy farming, production and distribution. Today we got the chance to make mozzarella cheese! The last steps: adding the salt, forming the cheese, and finial product! We will get to enjoy it tomorrow!

1st grade has been learning about Earth, Moon, and Sun. We practiced how the Earth rotates around the sun slow and then how the Moon also rotates around the Earth!

4th grade celebrated their hard work and reaching individual goals for math and/or reading on their FAST test screener. We enjoyed some Fun Friday activities and getting to pick out of the prized box for working hard and reaching learning goals!

More 3rd grade P.B.I.S. classroom celebration. Happy New Year's 3-D shape creations and snacks!!

3rd grade P.B.I.S. classroom celebration. Happy New Year's 3-D shape creations and snacks!!

Kindergarten enjoyed ice cream for their PBIS reward today!

1st grade has been talking about how to solve real world problems so we used the BeeBots to be snowplows and move snow. Each student had to design their own snowplow and see what works and doesn't work and be able to meet another snowplow on the road!

Kindergarten paired up with their 6th grade book buddies this week to learn about Martin Luther King Jr. We read some books about him and watched his "I Have a Dream" speech. After, we talked about how we can change the world like MLK did. We created a collaborative poster along with sharing the ways we decided we can try to change the world!

Dear members of the CAL school community,
We are pleased to announce that CAL has partnered with Prarie Ridge from Mason City to offer psychiatry and therapy services to our students and their families. A therpaist is available on-site at CAL for students, while Prarie Ridge provides a variety of services for families in our community. Our school counselor, Danielle Brood, is available to assist you in navigating these sevices to meet your family's needs. You may contact Ms. Brood via the CAL school phone number, through remind, or by an email. Additionally, you can find her contact information on the CAL Community School website under the "School Counselor" tab located in the parents and students section.

4th and 5th teamed up this morning to stack a set of cups without touching the cups with their hands. Thanks for some great teamwork!

3 year old Preschool learned about primary colors and experimented to discover you can mix them to create secondary colors!

6 piece LEGO Challenge. 4th graders were tasked with designing an innovative solution to a problem that may be common at a dairy farm. There was some very creative and analytical thinking done on our first day back! This ties into our studies of how technological advancements have changed and will continue to change the way people farm and how products/goods are made and shared globally.